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Common Auto Injury Symptoms

Written By Jochen Chiropractic and Wellness Center on October 5, 2023

neck pain from auto injury

After being in a car accident, it’s crucial to visit one of our chiropractors for an evaluation. Our chiropractors can uncover hidden injuries, diagnose your symptoms, and provide ongoing auto injury treatment. If you plan on filing a personal injury claim, our chiropractors can provide medical records and documentation of your treatment plan. If you have any of these common auto injury symptoms, visit one of our chiropractors in Beverly Hills, CA for treatment. 

Delayed Symptoms & Pain

The adrenaline released in your body after an auto accident can hide symptoms of injury. If you visit our chiropractors right away, they will do diagnostic imaging and testing to uncover hidden injuries. Getting early warning of injuries means that you won’t risk further injury, and you’re less likely to suffer from chronic or recurring pain. You’ll also get back on your feet much sooner. After a car accident, watch for delayed symptoms that might take 24 to 48 hours to develop. Watch for neck stiffness, headaches, dizziness, confusion, swelling and inflammation, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries are very common in both minor and major car accidents. You might experience tenderness, bruising, swelling, inflammation, and cuts and abrasions. Soft tissue injuries might be masking signs of a deeper, more serious problem under the surface. Let our chiropractors administer an x-ray to check for more serious injuries.

Loss of Range of Motion & Inflammation

You might get a fracture, sprain, or strain during an auto accident, especially if your airbag deploys. Symptoms can include swelling, tenderness, inflammation, and loss of range of motion in a limb or joint. If you’re rear-ended, side-swiped, or t-boned, you might develop symptoms of whiplash. Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, stiffness, and tenderness as well as shoulder pain, numbness or tingling, jaw pain, and headaches. 

Back Pain

Being jerked around in a car accident or having your airbag go off in your face can cause upper or lower back pain. Back pain after a car accident might indicate that you have pulled or strained a muscle, have developed a herniated disc, have a spinal misalignment, or have a hairline fracture. 

Schedule a Consultation for Auto Injury Treatment in Beverly Hills, CA

If you visit our chiropractors for auto injury treatment in Beverly Hills, CA immediately after being in a car accident, you have a better chance of a full, successful recovery. Seeking immediate treatment will also help bolster and document claims made in a personal injury lawsuit. Come see us at Jochen Chiropractic and Wellness Center, and we will quickly diagnose your auto injuries and design a customized auto injury treatment plan that addresses your symptoms, underlying condition, needs, goals, and lifestyle. We can also refer you to a personal injury attorney or medical specialist if needed. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (310) 556-8071 or book an appointment online.

Posted In: Auto Injury Treatment